The solo theater show Apple Crumble created by the collective Kahraba and interpreted by Camille Brunel was held at Zico House on May 7, 14, 21 and 28.
The Kahraba travelling collective is made up of two Lebanese (Aurélien Zouki and Rima Maroun) and two French (Eric Deniaud and Camille Brunel). Eric studied puppeteering, Aurélien is a performer and dancer, Rima trained as a photographer and choreographer, Camille writes, plays and directs. This diversity is undoubtedly the characteristic of the collective, which is reflected in their shows, with a plurality of means of expression. From object theater to puppets and shadow theater, their show allows them to soberly approach deep if not serious themes, such as identity, travel or wandering.
Apple crumble is a solo mixing cooking and quantum physics.